Jass Thethi


Jass Thethi

My background is in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums, and I also have my own business called Intersectional GLAM. I have a history of doing project work with companies to develop strategies to get those under-represented to have more of a voice.

I love the whole aspect of co-production and am enjoying using the tools to help large institutions find new ways of working, and including the communities they serve in decision-making.

I have been developing workshops that cater to the needs of institutions such as the NHS and various Charities. The consistent change that is brought about in these projects is introducing a different way of thinking. Primarily, implementing ways of thinking that can achieve mutually beneficial goals with the input of the communities the organisations would like to assist.

I also spend time working as an assistant for project workshops. This includes assisting with Zoom, taking notes and writing up short reports.

The things that really matter in my work are  honesty, emotional intelligence, thorough research and knowledge and good communication.